Uma Viagem por tua mente (2019)
Para 8 canales de audio. Ricardo Dal FarraCompositor, artista multimedia, educador, investigador, intérprete y curador, desarrolla su actividad profesional en el área […]
Para 8 canales de audio. Ricardo Dal FarraCompositor, artista multimedia, educador, investigador, intérprete y curador, desarrolla su actividad profesional en el área […]
Obra acusmática para 5.1 canales de audio. Ricardo Dal FarraCompositor, artista multimedia, educador, investigador, intérprete y curador, desarrolla su actividad profesional en […]
Instrumentación: electroacústica (24 canales) y video Edición: – Puede adquirirse en: – Ricardo Dal FarraCompositor, artista multimedia, educador, investigador, intérprete y curador, […]
We live in a world that is reaching a critical point, at which the equilibrium between a healthy environ-ment, the energy our society needs to maintain or improve this lifestyle and our interconnected econo-mies could quickly change, from the current complex balance to a completely new reality wherein unbalance would be the rule and human beings would have to become more creative than ever before in order to survive. Have the arts a role in all this? Do artists have a responsibility in this context?
Balance-Unbalance aims to use art as a catalyst to explore intersections between nature, science, tech-nology and society with the intent of engendering a deeper awareness and creating lasting intellectual working partnerships in solving our global envi-ronmental crisis.
The art! ⋈ climate contest used art as a catalyst in helping to build bridges between sound artists and specific humanitarian actions related to climatechange, with the intent of engendering a deeper awareness and creating lasting working partnerships in addressing our global environmental crisis…
Artistic creation, scientific research and technological innovation represent three different “areas” whose boundaries seemed to be well established in the western culture during the past fewcenturies. Nevertheless, whether because of a real interest, necessity or fashion, these fields have met again and are now associated to continue deepening the cultural changes caused mainly by our use of recently-evolved electronic technologies.
Instrumentación: electroacústica (6 canales) Edición: – Puede adquirirse en: – Ricardo Dal FarraCompositor, artista multimedia, educador, investigador, intérprete y curador, desarrolla su […]
Instrumentación: electroacústica en tiempo real Edición: – Puede adquirirse en: – Ricardo Dal FarraCompositor, artista multimedia, educador, investigador, intérprete y curador, desarrolla […]
Instrumentación: electroacústica Edición: – Puede adquirirse en: – Ricardo Dal FarraCompositor, artista multimedia, educador, investigador, intérprete y curador, desarrolla su actividad profesional […]